314 Main Street
Cambridge, MA 02142
When in Cambridge, visit the MIT Museum, located on the campus of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Special exhibitions and ongoing installations showcase MIT’s past and current research and innovations. Focusing on STEAM-based (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math) areas, the Museum hosts interactive programs and demonstrations often taught by MIT students and researchers, and opens its Idea Hub each weekend for hands-on “making” sessions.
Check the website for more information about the Museum, its collections, and its many public celebrations, such as the annual Cambridge Science Festival, a week of workshops, demonstrations, and conversation held in late April; the “only at MIT” Friday After Thanksgiving chain reaction event; the highly-regarded Soap Box Series; and other special recurring events such as Feb Fest and Girls Day. The MIT Museum also has a fun store, offering MIT-inspired items, and offers event rentals, group visits, school programs and workshops.
Boston & Cambridge, Family Oriented, Nature & Science